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Foundations of Sacred Sound

A 5-Week Immersive Exploration of Sacred Sound


Many are becoming attuned to the power of Sound
and are feeling called to use Sound as a means for enhancing healing or meditation practice.

There are many tools that can help us enter the powerful practice of Sacred Sound.
Knowing how to approach the practice of Sacred Sound with reverence and inner silence
is as important as the sense of freedom and playfulness.


My guidance through this course is to give you a solid foundation 
based on hands on experience and exploration,  
so that you will feel confident playing your favorite instruments,  
and able to do it from a place of deep connection and sensitivity.


Practitioners and beginners are both welcomed to enroll.

For practitioners that have already been exploring sound this is an opportunity to deep dive.
We will move beyond instruments techniques into opening up the pathways
with powerful practices to open you as a channel for Sacred Sound.

For beginners this will be a great way to dive into the world of Sacred Sound
and understand this deep calling you've been feeling,
and feel confident to embark on this beautiful and profound path.


"The Foundations of Sacred Sound course not only introduced me to all principles of sound healing, but also awakened in me a sense of purpose, a meaning behind the practice, and a strong sense of what it means to heal myself from the inside out. Akasha is an empathetic, sensitive, and strong guide who anyone would be so lucky to study with."

— Bailey Grogan

Training includes:

  • Creating and connecting to Sacred Sound

  • Principals of Sound Healing

  • Technique and practice with Sound Healing instruments
    such as singing bowls, tuning forks, tingshas, bells, and chimes

  • Introduction to Gong (technique and practice) 

  • Opening the power of your own voice through chanting and toning

  • Dynamic and meditative practices to facilitate a deep immersion into the world of Sacred Sound

  • Private Telegram or WhatsApp Community


Classes will be held Live
In-person or Zoom
1:00 - 5:00 PM EST
September 21 / 28
October 5 / 12 / 19

Class recordings will be made available on online portal.

I Am Ready!

Sign up now for Foundations of Sacred Sound.


One Payment

Pay in Full


Two Payments
must register before Sep 4

Two Payments

“The Foundations of Sacred Sound course is a journey of spiritual self-discovery. Through sacred sound instruments, meditative practices and Akasha's gracious guidance, I tapped into the wonder and magic of the divine- the divinity of the universe and the divinity within. I danced with sacred sound's twin star, Silence, and in that union - where all dualities cease and death and birth are flowers of love - I was reborn. The journey of sacred sound is a reunion with source, spirit and the joyous love of the universe.”

- Larissa Bernerdes 

$777.00 USD

One time payment
(processed immediately)


$400.00 USD/month

Two payments
(first payment processed immediately)